Thursday, June 01, 2006

Craft Declaration

I've decided that I spend too much time knitting......gasp! The first thing I do when I roll out of bed is knit, I spend my lunch hour knitting, I knit when I get home in between looking at other people's knitting blogs. It's all too much, because I really do have other interests. So I've decided that since I have summer Fridays and get out of work early, I WILL NOT KNIT during this free time. Any other crafts are fair game. I recently purchased Subversive Cross Stitch, and I want to have a jewelry trunk show sometime this summer (but I can't sell it if I don't make it), and I haven't read a book in ages. So I'm declaring Fridays to be No Knitting Fridays.

PS...I'm in a better mood. The music from Roll Bounce was my knitting soundtrack at the park today.
